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5 Mom Hacks To Make Life Easier For Busy Moms

Moms Helping Moms! Share The Love!

Are you a “hot mess” doing your best but feeling overwhelmed as a mom

Here are 5 Productivity Hacks to be a more organized Mom to save your time, money, and sanity!

All moms are busy moms, that is why we need mom hacks for making life easier!


How To Be A More Organized Mom


Are you a busy mother?

We are the queens of multi-tasking, it’s just how we roll, right?

Busy mom life is our way of life. 

Moms can cook dinner, answer math homework questions, load the dishwasher, all while listening to our husbands talk about their day.

But sometimes, being the busy mom multitasking queen can lead to burnout really fast.

It puts you on the fast track to being an overwhelmed mom!

Remember, you can’t be EVERYTHING to EVERYONE. 

Busy Moms Overwhelmed By Motherhood

We always have so much going on, it’s hard to catch a breath.

It’s exhausting when it feels like your brain has too many tabs open. 

It seems there is always something that needs to be done, and are we ever really “done”? 

You know the feeling, you finally lay your exhausted head on your pillow and suddenly you remember that you are in charge of sending the snacks for the whole class tomorrow. 

Then you remember that you FORGOT to buy the snacks.

Well maybe that never happened to you, but it has happened to me.

Then I started thinking about all the other ways I feel like a failure as a wife and mother and that just took me down the rabbit hole of self-doubt. 

I quickly stopped that nonsense and reminded myself that I may be an overwhelmed mom, but I am an awesome MOM!

My kids are happy and they know they are loved. 

That’s when I knew I had to get ORGANIZED with some productivity hacks to stop the overwhelm! 

How To Be A More Organized Mom


Organized Mom Hacks For Making Life Easier

Here are some Mom Hacks to go from being an overwhelmed mom to being organized and productive. 

1. Have A Stress-Free Morning Routine

Having a stress-free morning routine will set the tone for the whole day.

If mornings are chaotic, then the whole day will feel stressed as well. 

The first tip for a successful morning routine is to wake up earlier than your kids. Earlier enough to have at least one cup of coffee in silence. 

It lets you focus on the tasks of the day and get mentally prepared. 

The second tip is to already have your kids prepared for their day.

Every Sunday, my kids and I look up the weather for the upcoming week and pick out their outfits for the whole week. 

My kids each have a closet organizer that holds each outfit for Monday-Friday.

In each little cubby, we have their whole ensemble, including socks and hair accessories. 

When there are no battles over what to wear, it just makes morning time easier!

2. Have A Family Command Center  

A family command center is a great place to keep the WHOLE family organized. 

It just organizes all the chaos!

With a large dry-erase calendar you can keep track of all appointments and extracurricular activities. 

It is the perfect place to keep reminders and little notes in a central place that everyone can see. 

If you have space, you can even add hooks for the kid’s backpacks so their stuff has a “home”. 


3. Set A Timer – The Best Productivity Hack EVER

You wouldn’t  believe how much you and your kids can accomplish when you set a timer. 

We use this timer for clean up time, screen time, morning time, nap time and bed time. I have even used it when I workout at home. 

It is visual so even my preschooler knows when time is running out. 

You can read more about how I use this timer for clean-up time here


Using a timer is great because it keeps the whole family accountable when it comes to time. 

4. Have A Family Planner

Having a family planner keeps you on top of everything!

You can check out my favorite planners on my Smart Mom Resources page. 

We all know that as Moms we are expected to keep the whole family organized. Everyone relies on us to keep the schedule memorized. 

We aren’t computers, keeping too many tabs open will only lead to burnout.

That’s when we become the “hot mess” Mom!

I’m guilty of trying to keep it all in my head too. Those days were exhausting!

When you finally let that mentally go, and have a place to keep track of everything, it lifts a HUGE burden off of your shoulders. 

So if you don’t have a place to keep track of all those appointments and little reminders, then you need one ASAP. 

If you don’t like carrying around a planner or writing stuff down, then you should check out the Cozi app.  

My husband, my teen, and I all use Cozi on our phones to keep the family on the same page. 

It is so easy to just add things to the app so everyone can see them. I mainly use it for my grocery list and appointments but it has so many other cool features. 

It is FREE and it is a 3-time Mom’s Choice Award winner for organization.

Cozi Family Organizer App: The #1 app for the modern family! Sign up for a free Cozi account today. 

5. Meal Prep 

Meal prepping for a family can save you so much time and money. 

You don’t have to meal prep the whole week in one day unless you want to. 

First, you need to figure out your weekly meal plan – use the Ultimate Meal Planner to save time & money! 

Then you can grocery shop for those specific meals. 

Here are 11 genius tips to save tons of money at the grocery store.

When planning out your meals take into account any upcoming appointments or extra-curricular activities for the week ahead. 

Two easy gadgets I use to help me meal prep is a Crock-Pot and an Instant-Pot.

Meal-prepping may seem like a tedious job but I promise you on a busy Wednesday night, after soccer practice, you will be so glad you meal-prepped the Sunday before! 

If you just didn’t have time to meal prep and you are at a loss for dinner ideas, grab a rotisserie chicken at your local supermarket deli and try one of these 25 quick dinner recipes

Also, if you would like an easy productivity hack to plan your meals join the $5 Meal Plan

For just $5 a month you can have all of your meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner planned out! That includes shopping lists!

If you don’t want to pay just $5 a month, then still sign up for FREE to get 40 budget recipes for moms! 

Productivity Tips For Busy Moms To Make Life Easier

Being organized does not come easy to me because I have a Type B personality.

I love that I am creative, easy-going, and flexible, but I wish I had the organizational skills of the Type A people. 

So I decided my habits of going with the flow and winging it, needed to get a little more structured.

Honestly, I just got tired of always being the “hot mess” mom! 

It really didn’t matter that my life consisted of busy days and sleepless nights, I needed to get organized for my own sanity. 

I realized I get overwhelmed with motherhood stress.

So that is when I came up with some productivity hacks to help the overwhelmed mom!

It doesn’t matter if you are an overwhelmed working mom or searching for how to be a productive stay-at-home mom, these busy mom productivity hacks work!

One Organized Mom Instead Of Overwhelmed Mom

Look, we wear many hats and it’s just not that easy to keep everything together. 

And, that’s OK!

Hopefully, these busy Mom hacks will help you get more organized and be less of a “hot mess” Mom. 

Remember no one is perfect. We all have those days full of mom-guilt,  just some Moms are better at hiding it than others. 

All that matters is that you and your family are happy, organized, or not!

If you need tips on how to keep the house clean, check out this post with 15 Mom Hacks for a messy house.

Don’t stop here, check out the Smart Mom Resources page for MORE time-saving & budget-friendly MOM HACKS!

Plus, you can sign up for new Mom Hacks to be sent to your inbox monthly.

That’s right just once a month because we barely have time for anything as is, so spamming your inbox is a guaranteed NO.

Don’t forget to check out these 50 Money Saving Mom Hacks!

Do you have any Productivity HACKS that you use to be less of an overwhelmed mom?  PLEASE let me know in the comments 🙂

Moms Helping Moms! Share The Love!

Lydia | 1sellerofpurple

Tuesday 18th of August 2020

Thank you for these tips. I have one of the days of the week clothing organizers and I love it. I need to use a timer and family planner though.


Tuesday 18th of August 2020

Love these tips!! Definitely need to check out Cozi!


Wednesday 13th of May 2020

I am in love with this post! It's as if you are talking directly to me! I'm so type B that I have to organize EVERYTHING or it won't get done! I bought a set of 4 drawers - you know those rolly ones - to put JJ's clothes in. Socks in one drawer, undies in another, then shirts and bottoms in the other two! This way it's super easy for her to grab an outfit! Otherwise, they would be all over the place! It's so hard to stay organized, but I love these tips! I used to use Cozi - I'm not sure why I stopped using it! I think I went to digital planner - which is a must for me or I'd forget EVERYTHING!

Awesome post! P.S. I signed up for your newsletter because I want more Type B personality hacks! lol

Sarah Styf

Monday 20th of April 2020

Google Calendar keeps us running, although right now it's depressing because of the pre-scheduled things that keep coming across my notifications. And meal prep is a lifesaver, especially when I make up frozen meals ahead of time.

Diane Cunliffe

Monday 20th of April 2020

I love the title FAMILY COMMAND CENTER. That is too awesome! And I agree with having a stree-free morning routine

Be sure to check out the SMART MOM RESOURCES page for more parenting hacks and tips!