Stuck at home?
Here are some creative & fun stay at home activities for kids that will keep you both happy!
Sometimes we must stay indoors due to an illness or a rainy day.
It would be so easy to just let the kids have a massive amount of screen time when we are stuck inside, but we all know that would not be the best thing for our kids.
So how about some fun indoor activities for kids to do at home that keeps them entertained for hours.
Think back to your childhood.
You know those days before the internet, trampoline parks, and Tik-Tok.
What did we do for fun when we were stuck at home?
We used our imaginations…and it was AWESOME!
8 Kids Creative Activities At HOme
Here are some fun and creative activities for kids to do when you are cooped up at home!
1. Have A Dance Party
Teach your kids the Hokey-Pokey, the Macarena or even the Electric Slide.
Let your kids teach you their dance moves like the “Flosser” or something else they know.
Make up a new dance with your kids. Let them pick the song and you both choreograph new dance moves.
If you need some inspiration, there is always the infamous “Cupid Shuffle” as seen in the video down below.
2. Have A Family Game Day
Board games are fun for the whole family. It is a great way to get everyone together for some laughs.
Some of our favorite games are as follows:
Don’t underestimate the fun of card games.
A deck of cards can be played in many different ways.
Some of my kid’s favorites are: Go Fish, War, and Crazy Eights.
You can find the rules and instructions for these games here.
3. Have An Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Come up with some clues and give your kids a notebook & pencil and send them on their way!
You can be so creative with a scavenger hunt.
Another great idea is to let your kids have your phone to take pictures of things instead of writing them down.
I found some really fun ideas for scavenger hunts here.
4. Make Origami
Origami is fun for all ages!
To watch a piece of paper come alive into something creative and fun is mesmerizing for kids and adults alike!
It is easy and cheap, all you need is a piece of paper and some creativity!
Check out this origami emoji that can change faces.
Or this jumping frog!
5. Make Fun Hands-On Concoctions
Did you know you can make play-doh at home?
From goops, goos, and gaks, there are so many fun concoctions you make at home from simple ingredients from your pantry.
In fact, you have probably helped your kids make slime hundreds of times.
The simplest concoction is Cloud Dough. It is kind of like moon sand.
You can make Cloud Dough with just 2 simple ingredients: 8 cups of flour and 1 cup of vegetable oil.
For more kid-friendly hands-on concoctions check out these videos.
Two-Ingredient Gloop
No-Glue Slime
Three Ingredient Playdoh
6. Have A Movie Marathon
When you are stuck inside, there is no better time to catch up on some Netflix movies.
There are so many great movies that your kids would love to watch with you.
Think back about some of your favorite movies as a child.
Guess what? Those movies are probably on Netflix or Hulu now!
Everything comes back in style. If you need some ideas check out this list of great movies for kids.
So make some popcorn, grab a soft throw and have a guilt-free TV day with your kids.
7. Cook Together
It doesn’t matter if you bake some goodies or decide to let the kids help with a full family meal, cooking together can be a lot of fun.
Depending on their age level you can give your kids specific jobs.
My younger kids love to mix ingredients for me while I am baking.
My older kids love to measure everything out, which in turn is a great math lesson.
Baking with your kids not only is a fun and frugal activity, it helps build important life skills.
8. Talk To Your Kids
When you are home with nothing to do, there is no better time to talk to your kids.
Tell them fun stories about when you were a child.
Ask them to tell you their fondest memories.
Or ask about what is going on in their lives now.
If you need some inspiration try asking some of these 101 Fun Questions To Ask Kids to get to know them better.
Fun Activities For Kids At Home
For more fun things to do you can check out this list of 101 Free Activities For Kids.
If your kids absolutely want to watch their tablets, then check out this list of awesome educational YouTube channels for some guilt-free screen time.
Don’t stop here, check out the Smart Mom Resources or our Shop for more fun ideas!
Plus, you can sign up for new Mom Hacks to be sent to your inbox monthly.
That’s right just once a month because we barely have time for anything as is, so spamming your inbox is a guaranteed NO.
Do you have some fun ideas that your kids love to do at home? PLEASE let me know in the comments 🙂
Sunday 17th of May 2020
like these ideas!
Tuesday 17th of March 2020
Great list especially during this time where schools and daycares are closed! I will definitely be trying some of these!
Monday 16th of March 2020
Great ideas, I am going to use some of these today!
Beehive Mama
Sunday 15th of March 2020
This is a great list! Thank you for sharing! I can not wait to try some origami with my kids.
Sunday 15th of March 2020
A much needed post right now with all that’s going on in the world, great ideas! Thank you for sharing with us.